Our philosophy is a simple one – Moving Your Dream Forward!
To offer the best travel experience possible, we believe the only way to achieve this is to have genuine experts for each and every destination, we call them: Trip Connoisseurs.

Travel and discover our world, we might say, has been ingrained in our blood, mind and gene.
Established in early 2016 by three inspired partners with decades of experience in the travel industry, Trip Connoisseurs represents one of the most dynamic, individually owned travel companies in Canada.
With office located in Richmond Hill, Ontario and our team of travel experts also scatted in various locations of Canada and USA, together deliver on the infinite possibilities open to our clients.
Trip Connoisseur’s ultimate vision is to become the top provider of high-quality travel solutions to the world’s exotic destinations while achieving the highest levels of client satisfaction in the industry. Our relentless commitment ensures the best possible travel experience, not only being there.
We take care of our clients as individuals with each of their particular interests and preferences in mind.
Our Connoisseurs are among the most knowledgeable and experienced players in the travel industry.
We have all worked at the forefront and personally encountered many places of our planet, stayed in many hotels featured in our itineraries, we know what we talk about.
The decades-long business relationships with our ground operators of host countries enable us to offer the best value with insistence on quality.
Whether it’s just a flight ticket or a complicated trip with multiple components, we look after them all. Reach out to us for advices and we are just a call or email away.
We are in regular contact with our local partners while you are at the destination. Should any risks and hazards arise, you can be rest assured that we are on top of it.
Peace of Mind – All our trips include this essential promise!
We are here and ready to help you move your dreams forward.
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A dynamic travel company with infinite travel possibilities open to today’s traveller.
What We Do
Specializing in tailor made trip worldwide and small group to all exotic destinations.
Our Team
The Product knowledge and professional service are our power. “Veni, Vidi, Vici.”
It’s easy to make bold claims on “interwebs”, but read to what real clients saying…
Trip Connoisseurs operates from Richmond Hill, Ontario.
Address: Suite 201, 70 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3B2
Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 6:30 pm Eastern Standard time.
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品之旅 2016 年初TICO注册批发与零售执照, 在加拿大大多伦多地区的列治文山市正式运营。团队的三位创始人集合了近70年的旅游从业经验, 不仅有旅游业界的资深前辈, 也有年轻有为的后起之秀, 是一个富有经验, 充满活力的专业旅游公司。世界之大, 千里之行始足下; 寻秘揽胜, 臻善还依品之旅。品之旅为热爱旅游的人们提供有品质, 有品味, 有格调的旅行产品与量身定制服务。从神秘古老的庙宇神殿, 到广袤无垠的草原大漠, 从峡谷深涧到高原雪域, 从丛林秘境到海岛落日, 品之旅带您走过山河湖海, 穿越极地高山, 感受自然之美好, 触摸文明的印记, 不论指向世界的哪一个角落, 我们都能帮您实现您的旅游梦想!
Suite 201, 70 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3B2
Quick Contact
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